How to remove cat hair from runners
How to remove cat hair from runners

how to remove cat hair from runners

The process is actually kinda soothing and relaxing. The best technique is to just rub your hand over the top of your quilt – like your petting your cat or dog! Seriously, it works! Yup, you read that right! The good ol’ standard rubber gloves you use to wash dishes or clean the bathroom is the very best tool to get that pesky hair off your quilts. So, I needed a tool that would really grab the hair and pull it off the fabric. Now, I’ll start by saying, Pips’ hair is super fine and sticky – as in, it sticks to EVERYTHING – ugh. Those * classic red reusable velvet wands (good for small clothing jobs, not big quilts), * reusable sticky roller that you can wash (the total pits), the * disposable sticky roller sheets (these work, but you need A LOT of sheets to get the job done). Over the years, I’ve tried so many different ways to get the hair off.

How to remove cat hair from runners